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Early Learning Center

Dekalb County Schools

December - Winter Party

December - Winter Party Activities

Winter is Upon Us

Winter begins in December.  During the month, students at the ELC celebrate the wonder of this time of the year by learning about the winter season and creating an array of winter artifacts.  Students also participate in learning activities that focus on charity, community, and family.  

Please view the current and previous years' Winter Party Activities. 


The activity of the month was "Winter Fox Math Wardrobe" with group collaborative coloring.  Students colored along with the librarian and added decorations to each section of the fox's attire based on the number on each wardrobe item.  This month's activity was scaffolded by reading the book, Snack, Snooze, Skedaddle: How Animals Get Ready for Winter by Laura Purdie Salars.   


This month during students' visit to the media center, they engaged in collaborative groups learning the different parts of a book.  They completed book part puzzles and played book part identification games. They also colored snowflakes that they took home to use as decorations for the holiday season.